Solving the Mysterious Square Brackets: A Guide to Pandoc Export/Convert .md to .docx and .odt
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Solving the Mysterious Square Brackets: A Guide to Pandoc Export/Convert .md to .docx and .odt

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Are you tired of seeing unwanted square brackets around your headings when converting your Markdown files to .docx or .odt using Pandoc? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Pandoc and explore the reasons behind this peculiar issue. More importantly, we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions to resolve it and achieve beautiful, bracket-free headings in your exported documents.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a closer look at the issue. When you convert your Markdown files to .docx or .odt using Pandoc, you might notice that headings (denoted by `#` symbols) are surrounded by square brackets `[]`. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re working on a document that requires a professional appearance.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

After conversion, your headings might look like this:

[Heading 1]
[## Heading 2]
[### Heading 3]

The Culprit: Markdown Parser

The Markdown parser is the primary suspect behind the square bracket phenomenon. By default, Pandoc’s Markdown parser is set to `markdown_strict`, which is based on the original Markdown syntax. This parser has a habit of adding square brackets around headings to denote them as inline elements.

But fear not, dear reader! We can overcome this default behavior and achieve our desired output.

Solution 1: Change the Markdown Parser

One way to eliminate the square brackets is to switch from the `markdown_strict` parser to `markdown`. You can do this by adding the following flag to your Pandoc command:

pandoc -f markdown -t docx -o output.docx

By using the `markdown` parser, you’ll get the desired output without square brackets around headings.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Easy to implement, no need to modify your Markdown file.
  • Cons: Might lead to other formatting issues, as the `markdown` parser is less strict than `markdown_strict`.

Solution 2: Use Header Ids

Another approach is to use header IDs to explicitly define your headings. This method requires a slight modification to your Markdown file.

# Heading 1 {#heading-1}
## Heading 2 {#heading-2}
### Heading 3 {#heading-3}

By adding header IDs, you’re telling Pandoc to treat these headings as block-level elements, rather than inline elements. This should eliminate the square brackets.

pandoc -f markdown_strict -t docx -o output.docx

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: More control over headings, works well with `markdown_strict` parser.
  • Cons: Requires modification to your Markdown file, might add extra complexity.

Solution 3: Use a Custom Template

For more advanced users, creating a custom template can be an effective way to resolve the square bracket issue. You can create a template that redefines how headings are rendered in your output document.

Here’s an example of a custom template for .docx files:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<w:document xmlns:w="">

Save this template as `template.docx` and use the following Pandoc command:

pandoc -f markdown_strict --template=template.docx -t docx -o output.docx

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: Highly customizable, works well with complex documents.
  • Cons: Requires advanced knowledge of XML and Pandoc templates, can be time-consuming.

Comparison Table

Solution Pros Cons
Change Markdown Parser Easy to implement, no need to modify Markdown file Might lead to other formatting issues
Use Header Ids More control over headings, works well with markdown_strict parser Requires modification to Markdown file, might add extra complexity
Use a Custom Template Highly customizable, works well with complex documents Requires advanced knowledge of XML and Pandoc templates, can be time-consuming


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the mysterious square brackets around headings when converting Markdown files to .docx or .odt using Pandoc. We’ve provided three solutions to resolve this issue, each with its own pros and cons. By choosing the solution that best fits your needs, you can achieve beautiful, bracket-free headings in your exported documents.

Remember, the key to mastering Pandoc is understanding its nuances and customizing it to your workflow. Experiment with different solutions, and soon you’ll be exporting like a pro!

Happy converting!

Frequently Asked Question

Pandoc users, we got you! We’ve got the answers to the most pressing questions about those pesky square brackets around headings when exporting .md to .docx or .odt.

Why are square brackets appearing around headings when I export .md to .docx or .odt using Pandoc?

This is due to the way Pandoc handles inline identifiers. To fix this, you can use the `–strip-header-ids` flag when running Pandoc. This will remove the inline identifiers and the square brackets around headings.

I’ve tried using the `–strip-header-ids` flag, but the square brackets are still appearing. What’s going on?

Make sure you’re using the latest version of Pandoc. This issue was fixed in version 2.10. If you’re still experiencing issues, try using the `–id-prefix` flag to specify a custom identifier prefix.

Can I remove the square brackets around headings without using the `–strip-header-ids` flag?

Yes, you can use a Lua filter to remove the inline identifiers and the square brackets. You can write a custom filter using the Pandoc Lua API or use an existing filter like `pandoc- remove-identifiers`.

How do I use a Lua filter to remove the square brackets around headings?

You can save the Lua filter to a file (e.g. `remove-identifiers.lua`) and then run Pandoc with the `–lua-filter` flag followed by the path to your filter file. For example: `pandoc –lua-filter remove-identifiers.lua -o output.docx`.

Is there a way to remove the square brackets around headings for all my Pandoc conversions without having to specify a flag or filter every time?

Yes, you can add the `–strip-header-ids` flag or your custom Lua filter to your Pandoc configuration file (`~/.pandoc` on Unix-like systems or `%APPDATA%\pandoc` on Windows). This will apply the settings to all your Pandoc conversions.

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